Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Assignment #6 - Black and White Portraiture

Crooked nose
Last time we see her before she leaves for Florida
From the last portraiture assignment, I challenged myself to shoot people in their natural environment or somewhere they were comfortable with. I also challenged myself to shoot more people that I didn't know. That part didn't work out so well, as I ended up shooting two of my sister-in-laws (sisters-in-law?), however, I arranged a photo shoot with a girl that I had never met before. Her name is Al Fox, and she is basically a local LDS celeb. She speaks all around northern Utah at firesides, has created many outstanding videos about the gospel, and has even been asked to be in a Mormon Messages video. She is really amazing. I was very intimidated at first and was super nervous to meet her. But turns out that she is one of the nicest, funniest, most easy going person I have ever met! We got along fabulously and we had a blast doing the shoot! She has quite the story to tell, and I'm glad that I got to capture it.
As far as the black and white conversion goes, I definitely need more practice! As much time as I spent trying to tweak every little thing on each pictures, I still don't feel completely satisfied on the B&W conversion. But it was definitely a learning experience! Can't wait for more practice.

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